Julia + Jim
Julia + Jim
Another sweet international couple! Jim is from Ireland and Julia ist deutsch! I was able to celebrate with them on two different weekends and two different types of ceremonies. It was a pleasure to be around them and their friends and family. Julia’s nephew was a sweetheart and is about the same age as my Ben. He thought I was a newspaper photographer the whole time and was excited that his photo would be in the paper!
During the reception, instead of having a guestbook for everyone to sign, they had two different canvases for people to paint on. Later on paper and pencils were handed out and guests were asked to sketch a portrait of the person sitting on their right. How creative and cool. You can see my attempt of my neighbor Elke below =)
Here are a few of my favorite images from our time together.
Locations: Historisches Rathaus in Köln
Auermühle in Ratigen
Cafe Lichtenberg